South Mountain by Rick Reeve

South Mountain by Rick Reeve
South Mountain by Rick Reeve depicting the wounding of General Garland

Friday, November 19, 2010

To my darling wife:

Going a little off topic here at the blog. I would just like to take a few moments to thank the person that makes this all worthwhile.


First off, I can't believe we've been married for almost 6 months now, boy does time fly by. But to the point, I want to thank you for allowing me do something that I love to do and also thank you for supporting me in everything I do. I know when I was first up to get this position here at South Mountain, we had our discussions because at the moment it wasn't exactly what we needed for our new life together. But, we worked things out and you've supported me once we, together, decided that this would be in the best interest for us if I could possibly turn this into a career. Thank you for everything. And also thank you for supporting me with this blog. I know when I first started, it seemed like nobody was checking it out or anything. But you were, you helped keep me motivated to keep posting and your support as made it more enjoyable for me to do. Thank you babydoll, I love you more than you could ever know.

your Husband,


1 comment:

  1. Keep up the great work...I too married my wonderful wife Heather nearly six months ago! - JE
